Mating quadratic maps with the modular group

Luna Lomonaco
IMPA (Brasil)
Holomorphic correspondences are polynomial relations 
, which can be regarded as multi-valued self-maps of the Riemann sphere, this is implicit maps sending 
. The iteration of such a multi-valued map generates a dynamical system on the Riemann sphere: dynamical system which generalises rational maps and finitely generated Kleinian groups. We consider a specific 
-(complex)parameter family of 
(introduced by S. Bullett and C. Penrose in 1994), which we describe dynamically. In particular, we show that for every parameter in a subset of the parameter plane called 'the connectedness locus' and denoted by 
, this family behaves as rational maps on a subset of the Riemann sphere and as the modular group on the complement: in other words, these correspondences are mating between the modular group and rational maps (in the family 
\[{\rm Per}_1(1)\]
). Moreover, we develop for this family of correspondences a complete dynamical theory which parallels the Douady-Hubbard theory of quadratic polynomials, and we show that 
is homeomorphic to the parabolic Mandelbrot set 
. This is joint work with S. Bullett (QMUL).