Number Theory George E. AndrewsAlthough mathematics majors are usually conversant with number theory by the time they have completed a course in abstract algebra, other undergraduates, especially those in education and the liberal arts, often need a more basic introduction to the topic. In this book the author solves the problem of maintaining the interest of students at both levels by offering a combinatorial approach to elementary number theory. In studying number theory from such a perspective, mathematics majors are spared repetition and provided with new insights, while other students benefit from the consequent simplicity of the proofs for many theorems. Among the topics covered in this accessible, carefully designed introduction are multiplicativity-divisibility, including the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, combinatorial and computational number theory, congruences, arithmetic functions, primitive roots and prime numbers. Later chapters offer lucid treatments of quadratic congruences, additivity (including partition theory) and geometric number theory. Of particular importance in this text is the author's emphasis on the value of numerical examples in number theory and the role of computers in obtaining such examples. Exercises provide opportunities for constructing numerical tables with or without a computer. Students can then derive conjectures from such numerical tables, after which relevant theorems will seem natural and well-motivated..Advances in non-Archimedean Analysis: 11th International Conference P-adic Functional Analysis July 5-9, 2010 Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-ferrand, France Jesus Araujo-gomez, Bertin Diarra, Alain EscassutThis volume contains papers based on lectures given at the Eleventh International Conference on $p$-adic Functional Analysis, which was held from July 5-9, 2010, in Clermont-Ferrand, France. The articles collected here feature recent developments in various areas of non-Archimedean analysis: Hilbert and Banach spaces, finite dimensional spaces, topological vector spaces and operator theory, strict topologies, spaces of continuous functions and of strictly differentiable functions, isomorphisms between Banach functions spaces, and measure and integration. Other topics discussed in this volume include $p$-adic differential and $q$-difference equations, rational and non-Archimedean analytic functions, the spectrum of some algebras of analytic functions, and maximal ideals of the ultrametric corona algebra.Linear Algebra Done Right Sheldon AxlerThis text for a second course in linear algebra, aimed at math majors and graduates, adopts a novel approach by banishing determinants to the end of the book and focusing on understanding the structure of linear operators on vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to simplify proofs. For example, the book presents - without having defined determinants - a clean proof that every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex vector space has an eigenvalue. The book starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basics, and dimension. Students are introduced to inner-product spaces in the first half of the book and shortly thereafter to the finite- dimensional spectral theorem. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra. This second edition features new chapters on diagonal matrices, on linear functionals and adjoints, and on the spectral theorem; some sections, such as those on self-adjoint and normal operators, have been entirely rewritten; and hundreds of minor improvements have been made throughout the text.Advances in P-adic and Non-archimedean Analysis: Tenth International Conference June 30-july 3, 2008 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Martin Berz, Khodr ShamseddineThis volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on p-adic and Non-Archimedean Analysis, held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, on June 30-July 3, 2008. This volume also contains a kaleidoscope of papers based on several of the more important talks presented at the meeting. It provides a cutting-edge connection to some of the most important recent developments in the field. Through a combination of survey papers, research articles, and extensive references to earlier work, this volume allows the reader to quickly gain an overview of current activity in the field and become acquainted with many of the recent sub-branches of its development.An introduction to abstract mathematical systems David M. BurtonTheory of Lattice-Ordered Groups Michael DarnelProvides a thorough discussion of the orderability of a group. The book details the major developments in the theory of lattice-ordered groups, delineating standard approaches to structural and permutation representations. A radically new presentation of the theory of varieties of lattice-ordered groups is offered.;This work is intended for pure and applied mathematicians and algebraists interested in topics such as group, order, number and lattice theory, universal algebra, and representation theory; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.;College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price which is available from Marcel Dekker Inc, upon request.Introduction to Lattices and Order B. A. Davey, H. A. PriestleyOrdered structures have been increasingly recognized in recent years due to an explosion of interest in theoretical computer science and all areas of discrete mathematics. This book covers areas such as ordered sets and lattices. A key feature of ordered sets, one which is emphasized in the text, is that they can be represented pictorially. Lattices are also considered as algebraic structures and hence a purely algebraic study is used to reinforce the ideas of homomorphisms and of ideals encountered in group theory and ring theory. Exposure to elementary abstract algebra and the rotation of set theory are the only prerequisites for this text. For the new edition, much has been rewritten or expanded and new exercises have been added.Algebra Lineal Juan Burgos deFunctional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry Marian Fabian, Petr Habala, Petr Hajek, Vicente Montesinos Santalucia, Jan Pelant, Vaclav ZizlerThis book introduces the basic principles of functional analysis and areas of Banach space theory that are close to nonlinear analysis and topology. The text can be used in graduate courses or for independent study. It includes a large number of exercises of different levels of difficulty, accompanied by hints.Partially Ordered Algebraic Systems Laszlo FuchsOriginally published in an important series of books on pure and applied mathematics, this monograph by a distinguished mathematician explores a high-level area in algebra. It constitutes the first systematic summary of research concerning partially ordered groups, semigroups, rings, and fields. The self-contained treatment features numerous problems, complete proofs, a detailed bibliography, and indexes. It presumes some knowledge of abstract algebra, providing necessary background and references where appropriate. This inexpensive edition of a hard-to-find systematic survey will fill a gap in many individual and institutional libraries.Partially Ordered Groups A. M. GlassRecently the theory of partially ordered groups has been used by analysts, algebraists, topologists and model theorists. This book presents the most important results and topics in the theory with proofs that rely on (and interplay with) other areas of mathematics. It concludes with a list of some unsolved problems for the reader to tackle. In stressing both the special techniques of the discipline and the overlap with other areas of pure mathematics, the book should be of interest to a wide audience in diverse areas of mathematics.Linear Algebra Werner H. GreubThis textbook gives a detailed and comprehensive presentation of linear algebra based on an axiomatic treatment of linear spaces. For this fourth edition some new material has been added to the text, for instance, the intrinsic treatment of the classical adjoint of a linear transformation in Chapter IV, as well as the discussion of quaternions and the classifica tion of associative division algebras in Chapter VII. Chapters XII and XIII have been substantially rewritten for the sake of clarity, but the contents remain basically the same as before. Finally, a number of problems covering new topics-e.g. complex structures, Caylay numbers and symplectic spaces - have been added. I should like to thank Mr. M. L. Johnson who made many useful suggestions for the problems in the third edition. I am also grateful to my colleague S. Halperin who assisted in the revision of Chapters XII and XIII and to Mr. F. Gomez who helped to prepare the subject index. Finally, I have to express my deep gratitude to my colleague J. R. Van stone who worked closely with me in the preparation of all the revisions and additions and who generously helped with the proof reading.Introduction to Hilbert Space P. R. HalmosThis text gives an introduction to Hilbert Space and the theory of spectral multiplicity.Algebra Thomas W. HungerfordFinally a self-contained, one volume, graduate-level algebra text that is readable by the average graduate student and flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of instructors and course contents. The guiding principle throughout is that the material should be presented as general as possible, consistent with good pedagogy. Therefore it stresses clarity rather than brevity and contains an extraordinarily large number of illustrative exercises.Introduction to topological groups Taqdir HusainSet Theory Thomas JechThis monograph covers the recent major advances in various areas of set theory.
From the reviews:
"One of the classical textbooks and reference books in set theory....The present ‘Third Millennium’ a whole new book. In three parts the author offers us what in his view every young set theorist should learn and master....This well-written book promises to influence the next generation of set theorists, much as its predecessor has done." —MATHEMATICAL REVIEWSP-Adic Functional Analysis: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Vol. 207 J. KakolInfinite Abelian Groups Irving KaplanskySet Theory, with an Introduction to Descriptive Set Theory Kazimierz Kuratowski, Andrzej MostowskiLinear Algebra Serge LangThis book begins with an exposition of the basic theory of vector spaces and proceeds to explain the fundamental structure theorem for linear maps, including eigenvectors and eigenvalues, quadratic and hermitian forms, diagnolization of symmetric, hermitian, and unitary linear maps and matrices, triangulation, and Jordan canonical form. Material in this new edition has been rewritten and reorganized and new exercises have been added.Locally Convex Spaces over Non-Archimedean Valued Fields C. Perez-Garcia, W. H. SchikhofNon-Archimedean functional analysis, where alternative but equally valid number systems such as p-adic numbers are fundamental, is a fast-growing discipline widely used not just within pure mathematics, but also applied in other sciences, including physics, biology and chemistry. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive treatment of non-Archimedean locally convex spaces. The authors provide a clear exposition of the basic theory, together with complete proofs and new results from the latest research. A guide to the many illustrative examples provided, end-of-chapter notes and glossary of terms all make this book easily accessible to beginners at the graduate level, as well as specialists from a variety of disciplines.Non-standard Analysis Abraham RobinsonConsidered by many to be Abraham Robinson's magnum opus, this book offers an explanation of the development and applications of non-standard analysis by the mathematician who founded the subject. Non-standard analysis grew out of Robinson's attempt to resolve the contradictions posed by infinitesimals within calculus. He introduced this new subject in a seminar at Princeton in 1960, and it remains as controversial today as it was then. This paperback reprint of the 1974 revised edition is indispensable reading for anyone interested in non-standard analysis. It treats in rich detail many areas of application, including topology, functions of a real variable, functions of a complex variable, and normed linear spaces, together with problems of boundary layer flow of viscous fluids and rederivations of Saint-Venant's hypothesis concerning the distribution of stresses in an elastic body.Non-Archimedean functional analysis A. C. M. van RooijUltrametric Calculus: An Introduction to p-Adic Analysis W. H. SchikhofThis is an introduction to p-adic analysis which is elementary yet complete and which displays the variety of applications of the subject. Dr Schikhof is able to point out and explain how p-adic and 'real' analysis differ. This approach guarantees the reader quickly becomes acquainted with this equally 'real' analysis and appreciates its relevance. The reader's understanding is enhanced and deepened by the large number of exercises included throughout; these both test the reader's grasp and extend the text in interesting directions. As a consequence, this book will become a standard reference for professionals (especially in p-adic analysis, number theory and algebraic geometry) and will be welcomed as a textbook for advanced students of mathematics familiar with algebra and analysis.Ultrametric Calculus: An Introduction to p-Adic Analysis W. H. SchikhofThis is an introduction to p-adic analysis which is elementary yet complete and which displays the variety of applications of the subject. Dr Schikhof is able to point out and explain how p-adic and 'real' analysis differ. This approach guarantees the reader quickly becomes acquainted with this equally 'real' analysis and appreciates its relevance. The reader's understanding is enhanced and deepened by the large number of exercises included throughout; these both test the reader's grasp and extend the text in interesting directions. As a consequence, this book will become a standard reference for professionals (especially in p-adic analysis, number theory and algebraic geometry) and will be welcomed as a textbook for advanced students of mathematics familiar with algebra and analysis.p-adic Functional Analysis W.H. Schikhof, C. Perez-Garcia, Jerzy Kakol"Contains research articles by nearly 40 leading mathematicians from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, presented at the Fourth International Conference on p-adic Functional Analysis held recently in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Includes numerous new open problems documented with extensive comments and references."Nonarchimedean Functional Analysis Peter SchneiderThis book grew out of a course which I gave during the winter term 1997/98 at the Universitat Munster. The course covered the material which here is presented in the first three chapters. The fourth more advanced chapter was added to give the reader a rather complete tour through all the important aspects of the theory of locally convex vector spaces over nonarchimedean fields. There is one serious restriction, though, which seemed inevitable to me in the interest of a clear presentation. In its deeper aspects the theory depends very much on the field being spherically complete or not. To give a drastic example, if the field is not spherically complete then there exist nonzero locally convex vector spaces which do not have a single nonzero continuous linear form. Although much progress has been made to overcome this problem a really nice and complete theory which to a large extent is analogous to classical functional analysis can only exist over spherically complete field8. I therefore allowed myself to restrict to this case whenever a conceptual clarity resulted. Although I hope that thi8 text will also be useful to the experts as a reference my own motivation for giving that course and writing this book was different. I had the reader in mind who wants to use locally convex vector spaces in the applications and needs a text to quickly gra8p this theory.Advances in Ultrametric Analysis: 12th International Conference P-adic Functional Analysis July 2-6, 2012 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Khodr ShamseddineThis volume contains papers based on lectures given at the 12th International Conference on p -adic Functional Analysis, which was held at the University of Manitoba on July 2-6, 2012. The articles included in this book feature recent developments in various areas of non-archimedean analysis: branched values and zeros of the derivative of a $p$-adic meromorphic function, p -adic meromorphic functions $f^{\prime}P^{\prime}(f), g^{\prime}P^{\prime}(g)$ sharing a small function, properties of composition of analytic functions, partial fractional differentiability, morphisms between ultrametric Banach algebras of continuous functions and maximal ideals of finite dimension, the $p$-adic $q$-distributions, Banach spaces over fields with an infinite rank valuation, Grobman-Hartman theorems for diffeomorphisms of Banach spaces over valued fields, integral representations of continuous linear maps on $p$-adic spaces of continuous functions, non-Archimedean operator algebras, generalized Keller spaces over valued fields, proper multiplications on the completion of a totally ordered abelian group, the Grothendieck approximation theory in non-Archimedean functional analysis, generalized power series spaces, measure theory and the study of power series and analytic functions on the Levi-Civita fileds. Through a combination of new research articles and survey papers, this book provides the reader with an overview of current developments and techniques in non-archimedean analysis as well as a broad knowledge of some of the sub-areas of this exciting and fast-developing research area.Introduction to Functional Analysis Angus E.; Lay, David C. TaylorTopological Fields Witold Wieslaw |