Regularity of Difference Equations on Banach Spaces Ravi P. Agarwal, Claudio Cuevas, Carlos LizamaThis work introduces readers to the topic of maximal regularity for difference equations. The authors systematically present the method of maximal regularity, outlining basic linear difference equations along with relevant results. They address recent advances in the field, as well as basic semi group and cosine operator theories in the discrete setting. The authors also identify some open problems that readers may wish to take up for further research. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the area of difference equations, particularly those with advance knowledge of and interest in functional analysis.Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces Manfredo P. Do CarmoThis volume covers local as well as global differential geometry of curves and surfaces.Measure Theory Paul R. HalmosUseful as a text for students and a reference for the more advanced mathematician, this book presents a unified treatment of that part of measure theory most useful for its application in modern analysis. Coverage includes sets and classes, measures and outer measures, Haar measure and measure and topology in groups.
From the reviews: "Will serve the interested student to find his way to active and creative work in the field of Hilbert space theory." —MATHEMATICAL REVIEWSGeometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations Daniel HenryThis volume on geometric theory of semilinear parabolic equations includes chapters on dynamical systems and Liapunov stability, linear non-autonomous equations, and invarient manifolds near and equilibrium point.Differential equations in abstract spaces, Volume 85 V. Lakshmikantham, G. E. LadasAnalise Real: Fun›es de N Vari‡veis - Vol.2 Elon Lages LimaAnalise Real: Fun›es de Uma Vari‡vel - Vol.1 Elon Lages LimaLinear Algebra over Commutative Rings McdonaldNonlinear Volterra Integral Equations Richard K. MillerNavier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Analysis Roger TemamThis book was originally published in 1977 and has since been reprinted four times (the last reprint was in 1984). The current volume is reprinted and fully retypeset by the AMS. It is very close in content to the 1984 edition. The book presents a systematic treatment of results on the theory and numerical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous incompressible fluids. Considered are the linearized stationary case, the nonlinear stationary case, and the full nonlinear time-dependent case. The relevant mathematical tools are introduced at each stage.
The new material in this book is Appendix III, reproducing a survey article written in 1998. This appendix contains a few aspects not addressed in the earlier editions, in particular a short derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the basic conservation principles in continuum mechanics, further historical perspectives, and indications on new developments in the area. The appendix also surveys some aspects of the related Euler equations and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Readers are advised to peruse this appendix before reading the core of the book.
This book presents basic results on the theory of Navier-Stokes equations and, as such, continues to serve as a comprehensive reference source on the topic. |